Saksham Samarth (Capable-Able)

Saksham Samarth is PMI Mumbai chapter's Social Good Initiative. We are committed our support to advance the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); goals encompassing universal principles like human rights, gender equity, anti-corruption, good health and well-being, combating climate change, and quality education for all. 

Saksham Samarth initiative has special mention on PMI website. Visit Hours for Impact Stories to read more.

Through Saksham Samarth, we are supporting the "Quality Education" for all. The current pandemic situation has seriously disrupted the education at schools in India. While the schools are trying hard to provide online education to their students, there are many students from the weaker sections of the society who cannot or barely afford to have the tools and gadgets needed to continue education at schools. We are reaching out to such students to help them with the tools and techniques, empower them to continue their education online and prevent them dropping out of schools/education system. 

We are also collaborating with individuals, few NGOs, CSR wings of corporates who have been working on similar social initiatives. 

If you want to contribute to social impact through our activities, then connect with us at:


express interest for volunteering by filling up volunteer registration form with "Outreach" selected in the option.

We conducted our first collaborative event with Kutch Yuvak Sangh, Navi Mumbai wherein we organized a "Health and Wellness webinar". Dr. Deepa Bhide (MBBS, DCH, PMP) presented her views on how to face the covid situation in future on bold, healthy and positive note.  

Soon after launching the Saksham-Samarth initiative, we took our first step towards supporting the Goal 4 of the UNSDG. With the help of PMI Mumbai chapter members who contributed to the cause, we were happy to extend our support to the underprivileged children of Sneha Sadan (an orphanage near Mumbai) by providing them new laptop computer, projector and other network devices.

To take the Saksham-Samarth initiative even further, our team of volunteers has collaborated with Saksham Trust (a National award-winning NGO) for the drive to digitize the books for their Saksham Digital Library, a library of accessible books and magazines that brings the printed world to the visually challenged. Opening doors to education, employment, and lifelong learning. Our team has completed the proofreading of first book "The UK Parliament". We have pledged 2000+ hours in support for proof reading of the books for Saksham Digital Library.